Wall-e are robots left behind to clear up the mess in effort to make life sustainable on earth again. Centuries passed and only 1 WALL-E is left operational. Overtime, he has developed human personality and emotions (having a cockroach as a pet, music and about holding hands).
EVE then appeared in his robot life.. and WALL-E falls for her.. The movie then shows WALL-E trying to hold EVE's hand and serveral disasters in which they try to save each other.
What i liked about this movie is the simplicity yet innovative concept.
Simplicity is that the emphasis on holding hands to potray love is really beautiful. I believe love should be that simple, holding hands and enjoying the moment or going through obstacles together.
Innovative is in the way how the producers visualize the future. Humans became so reliant on robots in the film that they do not even have to walk and as a result they are total couch potatoes(needing help to get back on the chair when they fall off). Pollution as such a serious problem that no life can survive on earth clearly delivers the message to viewers that its time we think about the place we live in and stop killing it. Corporations became so powerful that it overtakes the government.
Watch it and you might become a fan of WALL-E, just like i did :)
1 thing though, did they design WALL-E to be like ET or is it just me? :P
:) sMi1e (:
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