Just read on HY's blog~~ i guess i shld also write about him in return of his kind words :D

well.. been like 8 years? :P
i guess we both changed abit~~
i remembered i olways said im glad our taste in gers are so different haha :x
u were kind of the catalyst to the change in me.. u noe me~ im the quiet guy full of thoughts
looking at u i learnt to express myself abit more :D

u haf been a true frend.. olways ready to be there for me~~ except the fact that u are uncontactable in many occasions which are kinda irritating :X
disagreements are bound to happen and luckily ours are not so bad :D
well last words: i still dun like china gers!! but im cool wif Kiki ahahah :P and where is ur jap gf foto man?!! :D

:) sMi1e (: